Monday, September 3, 2007

Gun legislation I support

Just like motor vehicles and dangerous chemicals, firearms can be abused or used accidentally, that's why they should be subject to "some" legislation, here's a quick review of what I believe could and should be done to help curb both gun violence, and violent crime as a whole.

Come down on straw purchases:
Limit new guns to five per month. Few legitimate firearms owners will be affected by this, straw buyers on the other hand will. Limit it to one gun per month if the buyer has had many (I'd cut of at five) firearms unaccounted for in the past, even if he wasn't doing anything illegal, he's not responsible enough to be handling guns.
Make an anonymous registry for checking serial numbers, which will allow the buyer in a private sale to verify if the gun has not been reported stolen. A single federally funded website could do this, could be set up as to not be a back door registration program. Coincidentally, it could also be used to report a gun as having passed a private sale. This would mean that any guns gone from a legal gun owners safe have not been stolen or lost, the sales can be considered lawful, and the ATF can keep track of how many guns said owner has sold privately.

Introduce the castle doctrine, abolish the duty to retreat.
Restore law abiding gun owners the right to defend themselves in their homes and all other places where they ca legally carry a concealed weapon. These "shoot first" laws have for so far not resulted in an increase in homicide, so if they safe even one life ...

Introduce/reform safe storage laws.
Firearms should be stored safe from theft and out of the reach of children. a defensive weapon can be kept within arms reach throughout the day, and in a nightstand during the night.
Trigger locks don't work, gun safes do, maybe when police officers start carrying trigger locks on their guns, I'll consider putting one on mine. A lock which runs from breech to the muzzle on the other hand does work, maybe these could be made partially tax-deductible to provide gun owners even greater incentive to lock their firearms up effectively.

Make firearms safety courses available in schools.
Children should be thought as early as possible that guns can be dangerous. Parents can do their share, but it's important that all children are thought uniformly. Several large groups of both sides of the gun debate have had programs like this, some of which have already made it's way into our schools. (example: the NRA's eddie eagle)

And should somebody commit a crime, punish him!

Crime and punishment.
In my opinion, prisons and jails should produce something; good citizens. Inmates should not be idle for more than an hour a day, they should be studying, learning a profession, preparing their rehabilitation, or working within the confines of their jail/prison to repay their debt to society.
Prison farms where inmates cultivate their own food seem like a good idea to me. They could preform other labor intensive work, the benefits of which could be diverted into a tax break for whichever part of the economy is affected by it.
I'm against the death penalty because it's counterproductive, you're eliminating workforce in an extremely expensive process. The constitution allows for slave labor as a punishment for crime, why is it that we are willing to put a man to death, bu refuse to force him to work?
A sentence should be shorter and harsher than the ones being issued today, reducing the prison population while maintaining a high scare-profile.

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