Thursday, June 26, 2008

please protect the chill pill

During my absense to graspop, and the highly likely ensuing hospital stay for my whiplash, I may not be able to tend to my tribute to calmness, my drawball rendering of "the chill pill" which can be found here.

And this is what it is supposed to look like (minus the text) (well, the current version is slightly rotated, and has much thicker lines, a wider smile/pill break line and bigger dilated pupils eyes ...

You won't have any ink at first, just visit it once every day, you'll get more ink and the ability to restore some of its former glory.

If you need any help using drawball, please visit:
This site


Anonymous said...

I've been helping with your "Happy Pill". That anarchy symbol is getting on my nerves.

Michael Hawkins said...

thanks man!