Monday, November 26, 2007

Do we need to ban military style computers?

Oleg Volk brought it up a couple of times, should we restrict computing power and bandwidth on computers to reduce the amount of internet based fraud, and damages caused by hacking? He was, obviously, kidding, and referring to the idea that reducing gun effectiveness would curb gun crime.

Knowing that most crime is committed with very simple guns whose main design features predate the before the second world war, this is obviously a dream. A dream which I sometimes wish were true, as I am one of the fools who would gladly trade my rights to own a firearm in exchange for the guarantee that I'd never, ever need one ever after. (I plink with air rifles, so there :p)
But those who would trade liberty for safety deserve neither right? I know it's a dream to believe that removing guns from society will make said society devoid of violence, so I'll defend my right to own arms as I will defend yours.

Now, you've hear it all before: "Guns? Maybe, but you don't need military style assault weapons!" Passing that said guns also date back half a century, and that the supreme court once stated that a weapon without military value isn't covered by the second amendment, what's the spirit of that phrase?
Civilians shouldn't have access to military grade equipment?
Don't forget, the military of today won't endure forever. The world is changing, and so are they.

"Cyber age prompts new war, The Miami Herald"

The article goes as far as to state that in the future, currently conventional weapons will be obsolete and that information based attacks would be far more effective than sending in grunts with guns.

Should we start fearing for our computers and broadband connection?
Computers have advanced beyond comprehension since the days of "bombe" code breakers and enigma/triton encryption devices designed by and for the military. A common cellphone today has more computing power than a PC from the years when the AK-74 was designed, and the current ease with which information can be spread stands in biblical proportions to the endeavor it was fifty years ago.
Should civilians be barred from owning military equipment? Will there be buyback programs to turn in my quad core processor in exchange for a pair of sneakers? Conveniently also eliminating all those nasty video games that are supposedly ruining todays youth (in spite of the 18+ label, opposed to parental absence and poor education).

Next up, Civilian radio ownership prohibited, radios are also military equipment, right?

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